Date(s) - May 2, 2023
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Predictors of Success in a Graduate, Entry-Level Professional Program: From Admissions to Graduation
Greg Spadoni, School of Rehabilitation Science & MERIT Faculty Fellow
The investigation of admissions data as a predictor of success has been well studied in medicine but not in other health professions. The purpose of this project is to two-fold, first, to evaluate how factors identifiable in the admissions package may predict student success in the McMaster University MSc(PT) physiotherapy program and on a national exam required for licensure. Second, to identify whether the type of interview used in the MSc(PT) program to complete the interview portion of the admissions process (in-person multi-mini-interviews [MMI] versus using an online asynchronous interview platform (KIRA Talent) impacts predictive factors of academic success. The results of this project and its related findings will be translated into planning and policy to inform MSc(PT) program’s admission and interview processes and the program’s strategies and supports related to student success both in the program and beyond.